


Two Names, Many Faces

This company’s history is complex, so here’s a quick breakdown: Craftsy was an online platform for crafters. Think: Entertaining and instructional videos, articles, how-to’s, community forums, etc. They also sold all kinds of materials, like fabrics and yarn.

NBC acquired Craftsy and rebranded them as Bluprint, but the service remained relatively unchanged. The brand, however, fluctuated A LOT during my time. My job, first as a senior designer, then as a creative lead, was to develop marketing materials with the creative team. I spent the last several months directing the design team and improving processes as we marched toward the much-needed unification of the brand voice, in addition to leveling up the design in general.

I’ve provided some highlights from the variety of pieces I worked on across the (very) different brands. I touched everything from paid media, to emails, to the product — and even some content.

Here’s Bluprint’s trailer if you’d like to get a better a sense of the business.

Hero art for a sale, primarily used in email.


8′ x 4′ Mural for Bluprint’s interactive kiosk at Denver Startup Week. Bluprint supplied paint for passers-by to color in the art. It turned out exactly as magnificent as you’d expect.


Editorial illustration series for craft recommendations based on zodiac signs. If yours doesn’t line up, that’s probably just because you’ve been lied to your entire life about which sign is yours — the science here is FLAWLESS.


Paid media for Facebook and Instagram, using our holiday color palette. In addition to art directing freelance talent, I eventually re-learned After Effects with help from the post-production department. I created several motion pieces for paid media.
